Thursday, March 22, 2012

Make Your Wishes Carefully

Many may have known we're only utilizing a tiny part of our brain while the rest of the power remains unknown and unexplored. However, within that limit, we have the Law of Attraction to help us reach beyond the boundaries we believe we are in. I've experienced how powerful it is and how fast my wishes manifest.

Through visualization and generating happy feelings will certainly help sending out strong vibrations to the Universe, but I find writing the wishes out particularly effective. Simply write down your wishes like a story or a diary entry as if they have already happened. I tried it when I was quite desperate and after three entries in one day, my wish manifested the next afternoon.

The Law is working every minute, every second. It just depends on how you connect with it. Once you do, your wishes will come true. So, make your wishes carefully because it can achieve great things, and it can also destroy!

Thank you Universe for bringing me an abundant life :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012


2012年的第一天,寫下了新一年的目標後,我並沒有躲懶,反而滿心積極地馬上展開工作,奈何感冒未愈,到五點多眼睛就撐不開,倒在沙發上頭昏昏的,意識開始迷糊! 朦朧間做了個意想不到的夢,不是明明白白的把他放下了嗎? 爲何今天早上只讀到他的名字,便有如被人從催眠中喚醒一樣,讓他再次任意游走於潛意識之間!

夢中,我回到了楓葉之地,轉眼間他已睡在我身旁,還牽著我的手,不單是暖的,那神經末梢的每一個細胞,仿如真的交感著,有點可怕! 躺著、說著笑,一會兒他又起來去換衣服,換了一件白襯衫,黑西褲,說要上班去了,臨行前,還在冰箱裏拿了一瓶啤酒,我說我不喝冷飲,他說,那就把地方整理一下,等我回來!

驚醒後,良久也未能定下神來。 我在想爲什麽? 現在生活中的點點滴滴,不是都被另一人佔據了嗎? 心靈不是已經被填滿了嗎? 這到底是意味著些什麽訊息? 我搞不清楚,也有點内疚!

夢已逝,大部分記憶其實早已依稀,幸好能醒過來,此刻已再次站穩陣腳。 但怎樣也好,也慶幸二十多年前沒有錯過愛情,沒有錯過這樣盡情的經歷,多年後仍可回味、細味那抹不去的情懷。
