Saturday, February 20, 2010

Never Give Up On Someone Whom You Can't Go On Without Thinking Of Each Day

My recent project of translating children’s books is harder than I ever expected. Local educators tend to stuff everything into children’s tiny brains. I have to get mine spinning to find “baby words” to express the adult world in a fun way! But how can the adult world be fun by all means? Or can it be?

While searching for “baby words”, I travelled through time to my childhood for inspirations. Unfortunately, with the complex context in front of me, I only saw a negative picture. Little babies have to learn to deal with so many different expectations from the first day they come out of their mother’s vaginas. Well, some may enjoy an easier exit through operations but the roads ahead are equally tough.

Struggling through our adolescence, we upgrade to a more difficult level. Playing this game of adult life, we strive for the best we can, regardless of whatever it takes, all in the name of “pursuing a better life”. But do we really have a life? Or are we just living? Of all the ingredients we need in life, money is always considered the main dish. However, without love as the soup base, life is dry and tasteless.

My base has a complicated, multilayer and full-bodied texture which has been boiled down to its essence. Insisting in following my inner moonlight, I still strongly believe that life couldn’t be lived to its fullest without wholehearted devotions.

A new leaf of a new decade has been turned over. While I try my best to make the adult world a little bit more interesting for some children, I’m holding onto my belief of my positive attitude to continuously make everyone around me happy.

Alarmed by another wake-up call from the earthquake in Haiti, cherishing absolutely everything is the top priority and I shall never give up on someone whom I can’t go on without thinking of each day.