Many may have known we're only utilizing a tiny part of our brain while the rest of the power remains unknown and unexplored. However, within that limit, we have the Law of Attraction to help us reach beyond the boundaries we believe we are in. I've experienced how powerful it is and how fast my wishes manifest.
Through visualization and generating happy feelings will certainly help sending out strong vibrations to the Universe, but I find writing the wishes out particularly effective. Simply write down your wishes like a story or a diary entry as if they have already happened. I tried it when I was quite desperate and after three entries in one day, my wish manifested the next afternoon.
The Law is working every minute, every second. It just depends on how you connect with it. Once you do, your wishes will come true. So, make your wishes carefully because it can achieve great things, and it can also destroy!
Thank you Universe for bringing me an abundant life :)