Saturday, December 10, 2011
這個世界到底是怎樣的?- 作者花了4年時間,探訪 “精神病人”,探討他們與別不同的觀點和匪夷所思的行爲。 當然,這些精神病人並不是 “一般” 受了什麽刺激所導致的“痴綫佬”,他們具有常人無法理解的邏輯思維,細讀之下,你會發現一扇窗,讓你看到不一樣的世界本質 - 其實,究竟是他們精神有問題,還是大部分人皆醉?! 好書,值得一看,再看。
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
今日一開收音機便是一個打正旗號由80後輕鬆討論時事的節目,氣氛煞是活潑。 但不到一分鐘,他們充斥著懶音的每一句説話,都足以令人毛骨悚然,猶如被膠底球鞋擦地聲不停折磨著! 就連有前文後理的句子,其意思也要稍加思索才恍然大悟,實在不堪入耳! 怎麽能讓這種料子當DJ!! 他們是節目主持人,所談論的是時事,這樣的質素,任憑你滿肚雄才偉略也枉然。
是時代不一樣吧!! 經常在蘋果動漫中看到那些女模特兒,衣著品味既嚇人又不貼題也罷了,介紹產品或樓盤時,她們那種明顯經過細心經營的 “聲韻學”,襯托著一面無知但堅定的自信,縱然滿口懶音橫飛,相信大部分觀衆都已日復一日被慢性洗腦了?!
隨著年月過去,當我們這些説話沒有懶音的 “老” 一代也跨往另一空間後,那時的後代應該已發展出一種新的“語言”吧!
同樣,在某時空裏,古人可能也對我們有著同樣的慨嘆呢! 時代的確不一樣,但我們是在進步,還是退步?
是時代不一樣吧!! 經常在蘋果動漫中看到那些女模特兒,衣著品味既嚇人又不貼題也罷了,介紹產品或樓盤時,她們那種明顯經過細心經營的 “聲韻學”,襯托著一面無知但堅定的自信,縱然滿口懶音橫飛,相信大部分觀衆都已日復一日被慢性洗腦了?!
隨著年月過去,當我們這些説話沒有懶音的 “老” 一代也跨往另一空間後,那時的後代應該已發展出一種新的“語言”吧!
同樣,在某時空裏,古人可能也對我們有著同樣的慨嘆呢! 時代的確不一樣,但我們是在進步,還是退步?
Thursday, October 6, 2011
"Only Love is Real" - Dr. Brian Weiss
Thought I've read all the books written by Dr. Brian Weiss. Can't believe I missed this second one in the series! Astonished by the groundbreaking evidence of reincarnation from Catherine's story in Many Lives, Many Masters, Only Love is Real reaffirms the purpose of life, that is in order to advance our souls, we must learn all these essential lessons - patience, understanding, forgiveness, kindness...and all these qualities come from one origin - LOVE.
For a relationship to work out, many people reckon if the partner doesn't have these qualities, Love is nowhere to be reached in that relationship!
Although I see it the other way around, I'm nobody to judge or criticize as I'm still learning, still digging out Love from my inner self. Perhaps Love is like a cycle; it's the origin as well as the destination. The only thing I'm sure of is it's time to reflect and reconnect. The answer is probably right around the corner - if I keep the eyes of my heart open...
Monday, August 8, 2011
“Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein
Being inundated with the doomsday prophecy and emotionally stirred by my recent experience, I rethink the meaning of life. Trying to stay rational, so I start from a scientific perspective.
- Naturally, everything is made of atoms that are actually vibrations produced from frequencies. Tracing down, our thoughts are indeed frequencies as well. To decipher this theory, is everything simply the illusion of our consciousness, and thereby, everything is nothing! Or, do our thoughts shape our universe?
As we experience the ever-changing external physical world on one hand, and the inner sensations flowing within on the other, we should also realize the reality of our minds, our feelings and our thoughts - the subtle vibrations, the process of manifestation.
When we become aware of the fact that everything manifests in our life is because it matches the vibration from our thoughts, there's only one question left - WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT? When you send out YOUR frequency, is it a channel of greed, selfishness, hatred, negativity? Or is it Love, Understanding, Patience, Forgiveness and Kindness?
"All That We Are Is The Result Of What We Have Thought." ...Buddha
- Naturally, everything is made of atoms that are actually vibrations produced from frequencies. Tracing down, our thoughts are indeed frequencies as well. To decipher this theory, is everything simply the illusion of our consciousness, and thereby, everything is nothing! Or, do our thoughts shape our universe?
As we experience the ever-changing external physical world on one hand, and the inner sensations flowing within on the other, we should also realize the reality of our minds, our feelings and our thoughts - the subtle vibrations, the process of manifestation.
When we become aware of the fact that everything manifests in our life is because it matches the vibration from our thoughts, there's only one question left - WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT? When you send out YOUR frequency, is it a channel of greed, selfishness, hatred, negativity? Or is it Love, Understanding, Patience, Forgiveness and Kindness?
"All That We Are Is The Result Of What We Have Thought." ...Buddha
Friday, May 13, 2011
他如常地皺著眉頭,在我右邊耳際不停解説著各種道理,還有我從來不自覺的多項缺點,每一字都狠狠地雕進我的心裏,很痛很痛! 空氣裏仿佛慢慢滲滿毒氣,讓人窒息。 我只想跑囘自己的空間裏,好好保護自己,我只想逃。
男人要逃避責任,列擧女人的種種缺點大概是最有力證據吧! 好喇,我都記住了,原來之前無論怎樣了不起,如今都可以如此一無是處,聼起來也覺得自己討厭!
一踏進家門,已無力站起來了,一把吐個痛快,巴不得把絞痛的心也一併吐掉! 定過神來,也不禁失笑,還是自己的錯,十多年來好端端地擁著理智做人,一直風平浪靜,如今自己找麻煩,活該! 好好的睡一覺,明早醒過來的不只是身體,心眼也應該是時候清醒喇。
他如常地皺著眉頭,在我右邊耳際不停解説著各種道理,還有我從來不自覺的多項缺點,每一字都狠狠地雕進我的心裏,很痛很痛! 空氣裏仿佛慢慢滲滿毒氣,讓人窒息。 我只想跑囘自己的空間裏,好好保護自己,我只想逃。
男人要逃避責任,列擧女人的種種缺點大概是最有力證據吧! 好喇,我都記住了,原來之前無論怎樣了不起,如今都可以如此一無是處,聼起來也覺得自己討厭!
一踏進家門,已無力站起來了,一把吐個痛快,巴不得把絞痛的心也一併吐掉! 定過神來,也不禁失笑,還是自己的錯,十多年來好端端地擁著理智做人,一直風平浪靜,如今自己找麻煩,活該! 好好的睡一覺,明早醒過來的不只是身體,心眼也應該是時候清醒喇。
Friday, March 18, 2011
Electronic Spirit Communication
“Believe it or not, according to a new study, higher education is linked to a greater tendency to believe in ghosts and other paranormal phenomena." Robert Roy Britt writes in the January 20, 2006 issue of Live Science. That leads my imagination to “electronic spirit communication”.
Why not? It’s all about frequencies. I’m thinking that the internet technology may have provided a more accessible channel not only for human communication, but also the spiritual world. Phone calls from the dead and audiotape recordings containing voices of the dead have been recognized for decades while reincarnation has been scientifically proven. Before the spirits move on to the next life, they are somewhere in a dimension overlapping ours and may be so eager to communicate with the living as many of them often had unfinished business leaving behind. Without a body to operate, the technological advance probably caters a frequency platform to the ability of spirits to communicate.
The recent invention of attaching a chip on the fingers to enable freehand computer and internet operations without the need of a laptop or a palm is undoubtedly exciting. If the chip is wise enough to receive the instructions delivered by our brains, it shouldn’t be long before the communication technology breakthroughs the restrictions of this physical world, if mainstream scientists can really open up their minds to a world outside their laboratories.
If this imagination can come true, we will no longer wonder about afterlife. Will it help to right the wrongs morally? Or will people lose sympathy to victims in disasters? Or will people take advantage of the seem-to-be-endless chances?
Why not? It’s all about frequencies. I’m thinking that the internet technology may have provided a more accessible channel not only for human communication, but also the spiritual world. Phone calls from the dead and audiotape recordings containing voices of the dead have been recognized for decades while reincarnation has been scientifically proven. Before the spirits move on to the next life, they are somewhere in a dimension overlapping ours and may be so eager to communicate with the living as many of them often had unfinished business leaving behind. Without a body to operate, the technological advance probably caters a frequency platform to the ability of spirits to communicate.
The recent invention of attaching a chip on the fingers to enable freehand computer and internet operations without the need of a laptop or a palm is undoubtedly exciting. If the chip is wise enough to receive the instructions delivered by our brains, it shouldn’t be long before the communication technology breakthroughs the restrictions of this physical world, if mainstream scientists can really open up their minds to a world outside their laboratories.
If this imagination can come true, we will no longer wonder about afterlife. Will it help to right the wrongs morally? Or will people lose sympathy to victims in disasters? Or will people take advantage of the seem-to-be-endless chances?
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
聖誕、新年、生日、農曆年、情人節...一連串的大節日,以往都是我最期待、最興奮的日子,不是因爲有誰相伴,只因是生意最忙、收入最豐厚的時候。 還記得那段日子,每晚結帳時看到一叠叠厚厚的鈔票,心裏那安全感,最是踏實!
今年,眼前沒有厚厚的鈔票,案頭卻有一大堆文件工作,埋頭之餘,還幹了一些十多年來也沒幹過的瘋狂事,一切過後,還是自己獨個兒面對著生活的種種,氣氛中夾雜著無奈、孤獨,但也有平靜和自由。 或許,一切只視乎角度問題。 畢竟,心靈的喜悅,都應向内求,而非向外求,尤其是現今這電腦年代,看似聯係無間,但形體上的接觸可能更依稀。 無論是新朋友也好、二十多年的朋友也好,傳訊的工具大概只有手機裏的短訊罷了...煞是懷念昔日以信傳情的日子。 打開抽屜,仍有二十多年前收到的情信,薄薄的信紙已有點發黃,但以墨水筆抒寫出的筆劃溫柔秀麗,一字一句顯得份外深情! 令人回味的絕非往事,只是那種情懷,有如楓葉飄零,縱然凋落,也保持靈秀飄逸,多麽淒美! 短訊中的寥寥字句,能如此牽動心靈嗎?
今年,眼前沒有厚厚的鈔票,案頭卻有一大堆文件工作,埋頭之餘,還幹了一些十多年來也沒幹過的瘋狂事,一切過後,還是自己獨個兒面對著生活的種種,氣氛中夾雜著無奈、孤獨,但也有平靜和自由。 或許,一切只視乎角度問題。 畢竟,心靈的喜悅,都應向内求,而非向外求,尤其是現今這電腦年代,看似聯係無間,但形體上的接觸可能更依稀。 無論是新朋友也好、二十多年的朋友也好,傳訊的工具大概只有手機裏的短訊罷了...煞是懷念昔日以信傳情的日子。 打開抽屜,仍有二十多年前收到的情信,薄薄的信紙已有點發黃,但以墨水筆抒寫出的筆劃溫柔秀麗,一字一句顯得份外深情! 令人回味的絕非往事,只是那種情懷,有如楓葉飄零,縱然凋落,也保持靈秀飄逸,多麽淒美! 短訊中的寥寥字句,能如此牽動心靈嗎?
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