好朋友們應該對於 “富貴男友” 那趣聞還記憶猶新吧! 我按捺不住也曾經問那記者朋友何以如此作弄我, 她說:“如果寫你是以 Marketing Manager 的身份到訪該私人島就沒有說服力啦!” 原來說假話會更有說服力,哈! 又上了一課!
還有做過幾次有關和牛的訪問﹐除了照片是本人之外, 內文 “疑似” 我說的話,我都沒有說過! 其中有一次還說我已經有幾年在港食和牛的經驗! 大家都知我返港都沒有幾年,更何況我回港之前更是有一段時間戒了吃牛! 最想說的健康資訊卻無法刊出。
和牛的美味﹐無須多說﹐但吃肉的健康選擇應該要提倡一下。 和牛雖然滿佈油花,但其實大部份均是單一不飽和脂肪 (Mono-unsaturated Fat),這是良性的脂肪﹐不會對心血管造成損害。 這種 “難得有益的動物脂肪”,乃因為和牛是自由放養和草飼﹐而不是穀飼的。
“穀飼” 一詞﹐大家都應該非常熟悉吧。 因為在超市中無論是鮮肉或是冷藏的,“穀飼” 已被包裝成 “高級飼養牲畜的肉類來源”。 可是﹐你相信嗎?
如此成功的 Marketing,還得多謝美國在背後支撐! 因為草飼的成本高,土地的復原又要視乎氣候變化,為了以最低成本飼養出最快大,最肥美的牛隻,他們極度大量栽種經過基因改造的粟米,以代替幾乎所有豬﹑ 牛﹑ 羊﹑ 雞的飼料。 以牛為例,自古牠們都是吃草的動物,突然要適應食乾穀,一生都無法嘗到一口牠們應該食的鮮草,可以想象對消化系統的損害。 由於經過首輪胃腔的消化後無法完全輸送到另一個腹腔,農夫就在牠們胃以外的身體部份開一個洞,再套上一個膠圈以固定其位置,方便徒手把那堆不能消化的剩餘物質,活生生的從極度痛苦的牛隻中,就此取出! 只有這樣,他們才能繼續餵飼含大量澱粉質的乾穀,令牛隻繼續長肉。
到此地步,相信其他的都無須多說吧! 其他動物可能因為身體結構不同而暫且倖免受皮肉之苦,但牠們同樣被餵飼一樣的基因改造飼料,最後都葬身在我們的肚子裡!
當然,除了肉類之外,其他令你意想不到的基因改造食物多不勝數,你可能就正正在邊吃邊看,哈哈哈……! 下次到超市時﹐選擇草飼的肉類吧!
.....點知邊D係? 比較優質嘅超市都有註明咖! 貴! 係咖喇! 要平,咪變咗好似美國佬咁囉,不過你餵嗰個係你自己咋嘛!
寧願食少D, 都要食好D!!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Amazing Energy
An expert was delivering a speech today at the Rotary Club about "Energy". Energy doesn't just happen when you switch on a light, plug into a power point, or between human beings. Latest studies showed it also happens between human beings and animals.
Take dogs for example, your dog usually rushes to the door before you arrive home. You think this is because dogs have exceptional hearing ability and sense of smell? Nope! That's too simple. Recent studies showed that dogs actually start to behave at home the exact same moment as their owners has decided to go home. That's a link of special "energy" between the dog and the owner.
It totally amazed me. Although I still can't completely believe that dogs start to react so soon, I'm sure the expert wouldn't just reveal some nonsense messages without enough supports at such an honorable meeting. However, the key point is that we always take credits of what we think we can control; but the truth is we actually know so little about many things around us.
Now that another finding has enriched our knowledge a bit more, I shall look at my dog differently since I now know the bond between us is much more than our love or training. It's also an unique exchange of our energy. Not only does it widen the boundary of our special bond, but also makes me feel even closer to him with this invisible link.
Take dogs for example, your dog usually rushes to the door before you arrive home. You think this is because dogs have exceptional hearing ability and sense of smell? Nope! That's too simple. Recent studies showed that dogs actually start to behave at home the exact same moment as their owners has decided to go home. That's a link of special "energy" between the dog and the owner.
It totally amazed me. Although I still can't completely believe that dogs start to react so soon, I'm sure the expert wouldn't just reveal some nonsense messages without enough supports at such an honorable meeting. However, the key point is that we always take credits of what we think we can control; but the truth is we actually know so little about many things around us.
Now that another finding has enriched our knowledge a bit more, I shall look at my dog differently since I now know the bond between us is much more than our love or training. It's also an unique exchange of our energy. Not only does it widen the boundary of our special bond, but also makes me feel even closer to him with this invisible link.
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